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A guide to measuring the biological quality of soils fot the seed potato sector
To diagnose the biological state of a soil, indicators are used to show the abundance, diversity and activity of organisms. A good indicator must be relevant to the functions being studied, adapted to the ecosystems being studied (e.g. agricultural environments), capable of discriminating between different soils, and compatible with the technical and financial constrainst of the observers.
This guide presents 10 simple and inexpensive methods for estimating the abundance, diversity and activity of soils organisms.
Author : Camille Puech (FN3PT/inov3PT)
First edition, september 2023, 39 pages, French
To order, contact inov3PT
43-45 rue de Naples, 75008 Paris

Potato Production Wordlwide
Potato Production Worldwide presents information on this global crop from its history, morphology, and taxonomy to the growth and development of the potato crop, including the latest strategies in addressing today's biotic and abiotic challenges.
Potato Production Worldwide will be a valuable resource for researchers, scientists and students seeking a comprehensive view of successful potato production.
The FN3PT and inov3Pt wrote the chapters :
- 13 'Seed potato production, certification and trade' (Le Hingrat Y., Quéré B.)
- 15 'Recent trends in genetics studies and molecular breeding of potato (Prodhomme C., Marhadour S.)
Editors : Mehmet Emin Calıskan, Allah Bakhsh, Khawar Jabran
First edition, october 2022, 490 pages, english
To order, click here.
Plant Diseases Caused by
Dickeya and Pectobacterium diseases
Is the first major book encompassing the latest findings on, and likely the first book ever dedicated to, soft Pectobacteriaceae. Bring together for the first time the various aspects of this topic: from molecular plant-microbe interactions, population genomics, and diversity, to practical aspects including disease management, etiology and economic impacts.
inov3PT contributed to the drafting of chapters 3, 5 and 7
Editors : Frédérique Van Gijsegem, Jan M. van der Wolf, Ian K.Toth
First edition, january 2021, 291 pages, english
To order it, click here

Diseases, pests and disorders of the Potato
The potato reference guide ! A true reference work for potato cultivation, published by the FN3PT, SEMAE et ARVALIS.
The book contains 220 pages including :
-a guide to identifying the origins of symptoms, from before planting, in vegetation and on tubers ;
-a description sheet for each disease, pest or disorder, detailing the causal agent, symptoms, risk factors and control measures.
2020 edition (CIP Médias), 220 pages, 16,5 x 23 cm, reference 906917, French, price : €45 incl. VAT
To order, contact the FN3PT
43-45 rue de Naples, 75008 Paris

Maladies, ravageurs et désordres de la Pomme de Terre
Le guide de référence de la pomme de terre ! Véritable ouvrage de référence pour la culture de la pomme de terre, édité par la FN3PT, SEMAE et ARVALIS.
Dans l'ouvrage vous trouverez 220 pages comportant :
-un guide d'identification des origines de symptômes, d'avant la plantation, en végétation et jusque sur tubercules ;
-une fiche descriptive pour chaque maladie, ravageur ou désordre détaillant notamment l'agent responsable, les symptômes, les facteurs de risques et les mesures de lutte
Edition 2020 (CIP Médias), 220 pages, 16,5 x 23 cm, référence 906917, français, prix : 45€ TTC
Pour le commander, c'est ici

Catalogue of potato varieties produced in France
This catalogue presents the characteristics (descriptive, cultivation and use criteria) of 203 varieties registered in the French catalogue.
Produced jointly by FN3PT, SEMAE et ARVALIS.
It also contains information on variety development stations, organisations responsible for evaluating new varieties and the seed potato industry.
2018 edition (CIP Médias), 432 pages, 12 x 20 cm, French, price: €20 incl. VAT
To order, click here
Potato virus Y : biodiversity, pathogenecity,
epidemiology and management
A timely overview of several decades of research on PVY, one of the most important plant viruses, that will appeal to a broad academic audience (universities, public and private funded institutions) and the wide agri-biotech industry (growers, agronomist, breeders, policy).
Present the latest data obtained by collaborating scientists (all known as expert on PVY pathosystem) from different countries worldwide (i.e members of the PVY-Wide organization).
Editors : Christophe Lacomme, Laurent Glais (inov3PT), Dirk U. Bellstedt, Brice Dupuis, Alexander V. Karasev, Emmanuel Jacquot
First edition, august 2017, 261 pages, english
To order it, click here

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