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Who are we ?
inov3PT, the Agricultural Technical Institute of Seed Potato, carries out research, development and innovation work at the request of the FN3PT, National Federation of Seed Potato Growers (Association of Growers Organisations).
The team is made up of 34 people, spread over several sites in Growers Organizations (Achicourt, 62 and Hanvec, 29) but also at its partners INRAE - UMR IGEPP (Le Rheu, 35 and Ploudaniel, 29), CNRS - Institute of Integrative Cell Biology (Gif-sur-Yvette, 91), University of Picardie Jules Verne (Amiens, 80) and the ANSES Plant Health Laboratory (Angers, 49).
inov3PT presentation video
FN3PT presentation video
The board
Jean-Charles Quillet
Administrator members
Eric Fallou
President FN3PT
Jean-François Roussel
President Comité Nord
Dominique Morvan
President Bretagne Plants
Valère Pinson
President Comité Centre et Sud
Pierre Loiselle, Benoît Vauquelin, Enrick De Brabandère
Vice-Chairmen Comité Nord
Nicolas Raflé
Vice-Chairman Bretagne Plants
Jean-François Philippe
Vice-Chairman Comité Centre et Sud
Jean-François Bihart
Board member of Bretagne Plants
Anthony Cadet
Treasurer Bretagne Plants
Other members
Bernard Quéré
Director FN3PT, inov3PT, France Plants
Jean-Yves Abgrall
Director Bretagne Plants
Philippe Laty
Director Comité Centre et Sud
Eric Nirdol
Director Comité Nord, SIPRE
Christophe Dargier
IT and digital manager FN3PT/inov3PT
Sylvie Marhadour
Scientific manager inov3PT
Virginie Gobert
Head of scientific communication and dissemination inov3PT
Main Agricultural Technical Institute locations and network

Research programme (2023-2027)

The Scientific and Technical Council (STC)
The inov3PT Scientific and Technical Council (STC), renewed in 2023, is responsible for providing its support and expertise in drawing up recommendations for the Board of Directors, in particular through the folowing missions :
give its opinion or make proposals on the scientific and technical direction of research in the seed potato sector, on its implementation and on partnerships,
examine and give its opinion on research and development programmes submitted for public funding,
validate forward-looking studies based on advances in research and the needs of the seed potato sector,
propose procedures for the scientific evaluation of research and development projects
The STC is made up of independent scientists, with experts from the scientific world (INRAE, CNRS, universities, ANSES) and associate members representing official bodies and the socio-economic environment.
Eric Quéméneur
Président du CST inov3PT
Directeur général adjoint et Directeur Scientifique de Transgène
Jean-Pierre Goffart
Directeur général adjoint CRA-W (Centre wallon de Recherches Agronomiques)
Stéphane Jézéquel
Directeur scientifique ARVALIS
Bernadette Julier
Directeur de recherche INRAE INSA-Lyon BF2I
Claire Prigent-Combaret
Directeur de recherche CNRS 5557
Yvan Rahbé
Directeur de recherche INRAE INSA-Lyon BF2I
Philippe Reignault
Directeur du laboratoire de la santé des végétaux, Directeur de la santé des végétaux ANSES
Eric Quéméneur
Chairman of the STC inov3PT
Programme director, INSERM, Paris
Jean-Pierre Goffart
Executive Vice President CRA-W (Walloon Centre for Agronomic Research)), Gembloux (Belgium)
Stéphane Jézéquel
Scientific Director ARVALIS, Paris
Bernadette Julier
Research Director INRAE INSA-Lyon BF2I, Lusignan
Claire Prigent-Combaret
Research Director CNRS 5557, Villeurbane
Yvan Rahbé
Research Drector INRAE INSA-Lyon BF2I, Villeurbanne
Philippe Reignault
Director of the Plant Health Laboratory, Director of Plant Health, ANSES, Angers
Representative of ministries and public establishments, official or technical development bodies and other partners
Didier Andrivon
INRAE IGEPP Research Director, co-leader of UMT Innoplant2
Marie-Claire Kerlan
INRAE IGEPP research engineer, co-leader of UMT Innoplant2
Marianne Sellam
Scientific, Technical and Digital Director, ACTA, Scientific, Technical and Internatinal Department
Mannino Maria-Rosaria, Sophie Szilvasi (representing the State at inov3PT for the PDAR)
DGAL, Plant Health Office
Sylvain Halftermeyer
General Secretary of the seed potato section, Sector Coordination Departement, SEMAE
Fabienne Maupas
Director of the Technical and Scientific Department of the ITB
Jean-Christophe Naudin
Head of plant sector exports, FranceAgrimer International Department
DGER/SESRI/SDRICI/BRI representatives (Directorate-General for Education and Research/Sub-Directorate for Research, Innovation and International Cooperation/Research and Innovation Office)
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