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September 2024

The potato varietal identification method was developed by the FN3PT/inov3PT.

The procedure has been used since the early 2000s for official laboratory analyses as part of seed potato certification.

This video (english subtitles available) presents the method currently used (advantages, constraints), the network of user laboratories and the technical development of this method, which was made possible by the project 
IdEvol: Technological development for the identification of potato varieties using microsatellite markers in support of seed potato certification.

December 2023

The year's key results of the 6 research, development and innovation programmes of the Agricultural Technical Institute of Seed Potato, inov3PT !


1. Outils innovants de suivi des bioagresseurs pour optimiser le diagnostic au champ (participation de Mounia Khelifa, responsable programme Biocontrôle, inov3PTin French)

2. Etudier les composés volatils en agriculture (in French)

3. Comment développer un outil de suivi des microorganismes de biocontrôle ? (participation de Pauline Dewaegeneire, responsable expérimentations, inov3PT, in French)

4. Développement de méthodologies pour l'application des traitements de biocontrôle (in French)

5. Effet variétal sur les gènes de défense après élicitation avec un SDP (in French)

6. Evaluer l'impact des facteurs abiotiques sur les produits de biocontrôle (participation de Pauline Dewaegeneire, responsable expérimentations, inov3PT, in French)

February-April 2023

The ABA PIC project involved the following technical partners :


APCA, ARMEFLHOR, ARVALIS – Institut du Végétal, ASTREDHOR, Association Contrat de Solution, CTIFL, FN3PT, IFPC, IFV, IT2, ITAB, ITB, ITEIPMAI, Terres Inovia and Vegenov


A series of 6 feedback seminars have been organised by ACTA other the period February-April 2023.


To find out more about the project here

December 2022

The year's key results of the 6 research, development and innovation programmes of the Agricultural Technical Institute of Seed Potato, inov3PT !

December 2021

The year's key results of the 6 research, development and innovation programmes of the Agricultural Technical Institute, inov3PT !

November 2021


Interactive risk analysis tool, developed as part of the NEMATOOLS project, which


  • characterises the critical phases of waste treatment processes with regard to the risk of disseminating plant-parasitic nematodes

  • provides answers about the effectiveness of disinfection processes

The NEMATOOLS project received funding from the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food (Casdar 2014 RT call for projects).


NEMA-RISK ®  came 5th out 12 in the People's Choice Awards !

To access to NEMA-RISK, click here

Application for the ITAINNOV2022 competition
Category : Economic and social performance

October 2020

The InnoPlant² joint technology unit, once again supported by the FN3PT and INRAE, follows on from an initial joint technology unit approved in 2012 by the French Ministry of Agriculture, on the advice of ACTA's scientific and technical steering committee.

The new project covers the period 2018-2022, with the aim of implementing a collaborative work programme to «Develop innovations to boost the quality and competitiveness of certified seed potatoes produced in France, in the face of global changes and new user needs ».

The InnoPlant² joint technology unit partners decided to organise the 3rd Carrefour to discuss the challenges facing the seed potato sector and potato production in general, and to present the results of research aimed at meeting these challenges.

January 2020


'Development of tools for the sustainable control of nematod risk in seed potatoes and crops in rotation'

Anne-Claire Le Roux, FN3PT.

This project was funded by the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food (Casdar 2014 RT call for projects).

Application for the ITAINNOV2017 competition
Category : Impact and Transfer

June 2017

PCR : a new rapid method for detecting viruses in seed potatoes

Innovation nominated for the ITAINNOV 2017 competition


A new methodology for detecting viruses directly from potato tubers, based on the real-time PCR technique, has been developed by the FN3PT/RD3PT, in collaboration with INRA (Rennes). The method has been validated for seed certification.

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